Good morning my dear ones! Have you already heard of the term “print clashing”? So print clashing is when you mix different types of pattern together in one look. Even though plenty of other bloggers and fashionistas have been rocking this style for quite some time now, it seems that it somehow only took off now. So, if you have plenty of different patterned fashion pieces in your wardrobe, now it’s the time for you to style them together 😉.For instance, you could combine floral and checked patterns, or striped and dotted. There are really no boundaries, so just try different styles and see what you might like best. However, just keep in mind “less is sometimes more”. I was wearing this lovely print clashing look during the Paris Fashion Week and people literally stopped and said “wow”. The navy-blue brocade jacket with fake fur trimming in leopard pattern by Steffen Schraut alone is already a real eye catcher and a statement piece. Underneath the brocade jacket, I am wearing a mustered colored sweater from Mango, which adds a nice little touch of color to this look. The stunning pants with ‘Bauhaus’ print are by my dear friend Dawid Tomaszewski. The stripes which are added on the sides, as well as the amazing shiny fabrics of the pants with a little touch of mustard makes these pants so incredibly lovely. Another piece that adds a little more calmness to this look is the burgundy colored Monogram College shoulder bag by Saint Laurent, which matched nicely with the rest of my look. The last patterned piece of this style are the leopard patterned pumps by Lerre, which complete the pattern clash look perfectly. Finally, the super cool sunglasses by Chloé with nice little pink highlights complete my look. I hope I was able to encourage you to try this very cool pattern clash style! Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for whats coming up next on Blondwalk.com!