Hey my dear ones!
Even though the look that I would like to share with you today is a very “simple” one (in terms of it did not take too much effort to style it), I decided to write a blog post about it, due to the enormously positive reactions that I have received on social media.
It motivates me so much when I receive positive reactions from you guys, so I did not want to withhold more details about this amazing look from you.
In some way, it is also a nice confirmation that I am doing something right with my stylings.
Many people might think that it comes just naturally to me and that as this is what I do for a living now, I should know what I am doing.
Well, most of the times it does come easy and I do know what I am doing, however I am sure all of you have experienced days when you are simply not 100 percent sure about a look or the way you styled your outfit. And of course I have these days too. Therefore, I am always super excited when I see that my readers and followers are giving me positive feedback and liking what I put together. At the end of the day, I am trying to inspire you ladies and it really is a great feeling when I see I was able to help.
My aim for this look was to create something simple, however still remarkable.
Let us start with the remarkable part 😉.
This stunning lace skirt in dusky pink is from Zara (who would have guessed, right? 😁).
The length of the skirt lets it appear very classy and chic while it is extremely feminine; however, the lace fabric as well as the layering design add a playful touch to it.
The rather basic or simple piece of my look is this cute white blouse by Steffen Schraut. It has a waist fitted cut and the shorted sleeves jazz it up a little, as they give it a more modern vibe.
I deliberately decided to keep my accessories simple, as I wanted the rest of my look to be in the center of attention.
I have combined this look with gold shimmery sandals by Prada, which have been part of my shoe collection for a few years now, and my cute nude-colored clutch with silver handle by Lina Brax.
Et voilà, an amazing look which is perfectly suitable for everyday use while still being remarkable 😉.
I hope I was able to inspire you with today’s look and thanks so much for reading my blog.
I wish you all a lovely Sunday and stay tuned for what I have lined up next for you on Blondwalk.com.